Portofino & Tigullio Gulf Guide Italy
Lavagna's Harbour |
A view of Zoagli |
The Gulf seen from Portofino |
Rapallo: the Golf Club |
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Portofino & Tigullio Gulf Guide Italy
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Portofino & Tigullio Gulf Guide
Chiavari, Lavagna, Moneglia, Portofino, Rapallo, S. Margherita Ligure, S. Stefano d'Aveto, Sestri Levante, Zoagli: this is the Riviera Ligure where you can choose from many different kinds of vacation. The soft colours of typical houses looming on the horizon, the deep blue of the sea, the coast-line tinged with gold and silver as it plays with the vivid colours of the beach umbrellas, the pink veined sunsets reflected in the snow-white side of a boat entering in the "marina" of Lavagna, the shadow of ancient stones. But also the hospitality, the warm welcome, the human kindness full of salt and tradition, emanating from the "Piazzetta" at Portofino, from a pier decked with nets lying in the sun to dry, from the fishing-boats approching the little harbour of Santa Margherita Ligure and Sestri Levante.
Situated at the most inward and protected point of the Gulf of Tigullio, Rapallo is naturally enough the most ancient centre in the area.Tradition has is that in pre-Roman times it was the home of the Ligurian Tigullians, who gave their name to the gulf.
Celebrations - this is the image, the word which Rapallo immediately evokes. Perhaps this is because of its famous July fireworks, the occasion for setting a castle on the fire amidst a thousand coloured bursts of light. But this is not the only reason. For Rapallo is always alive with movement and a very special dynamism. Rapallo boasts a boat harbour, a great landing-place and it has also a famous Golf Club. This club forms part of an international circuit linking the world's most prestigious clubs. Not only are the beaches well looked after and wellequipped but you can also find spots of unsuspected exclusive beauty, such as San Michele di Pagana. Set in a small bay, it has maintained intact the lay-out of a fishing village whose houses give directly onto the beach.
Chiavari is a quiet and welcoming town but also a bathing resort and centre for nautical sports - two worlds living side by side, at the same time and in the same place, but without, as it were, interfering with each other. Those who wish to immerse themselves in the peaceful and active quiet of this beautiful locality can do so without being distracted by others in search of a regular night-and-day seaside holiday. The spectrum of stimuli offered by Chiavari is centainly broad. The old town is thronged with things to see. These range from the Palazzi Torriglia and Rocca to the 15th century courthouse, from the palace of the black porticoes, with its Gothic arches, to the church of S. Giovanni Battista, and from the Madonna delle Grazie Church to the neo-classical Cathedral which contains numerous 17th century canvases and valuable wooden group by Maragliano. Then, of course, there is the promenade and the beach: Chiavari the bathing resort in its young and summery attire. The name "Clavaro" appears for the first time in a document from 980. In 1167 it was occupied by Genoa, which then had to defend it from the attacks of powerful feudal families from the hinterland such as the Fieschis and the Malaspinas. After a period as a free commune, Chiavari once again fell under the dominion of Genoa, which conferred on the title of city in 1648. Little by little, the Middle Ages, the Baroque era and the 19th century with its quiet middleclass affluence have all left their mark. As they have followed each other over the course of time, various styles and influences have combined to form something very harmonious, discreet and decidedly elegant in a precise reflection of the character and spirit of this extraordinary city.
Santa Margherita leads an intense life around its harbour: elegant social occasions, celebrations and traditional events. And there is plenty of sport, too: sailing, of course, but also water-skiing and canoeing, to name only those sports connected to the sea. Without forgetting all the small rituals of a really satisfying holiday which revolve around its tranquil waterfront where, together with beautiful pleasure craft, a fleet of fishing boasts keeps up the ancient traditions of fishing and seamaship. It aslo keeps up the reputation of one of the most characteristic and tasty catches along the whole coast: the famous Santa Margherita lobsters. And the nightspots, restaurants and hotels where you can taste this authentic gift of the Mediterranean are many and varied. Range of choice is one more reason for preferring Santa Margherita.
The Island, the Bay of Fables, the Bay of Silence - these are names which tell of the maginc of an enchanted place that somehow even manages to heighten the fascination of the sea. Yes, because at Sestri Levante there are two seas: the lively, animated sea of the Bay of the Fables, and the quiet, romantic sea of the Bay of Silence which is bound up with the ancient rituals of fishing. Together these two worlds account for the seductive power of a fishing village which seems to emerge almost naturally from the sea and which has become a welcoming and sophisticated tourist centre, with an additional touch of personality. After walking its narrow, shady streets, coming out into the more vivid light to apprehend the immerse blue of the sea becomes an even more dazzling and gratifying experience. And whichever of the two seas you choose to gaze at, one thing is certain: it is impossible to remain indifferent to so much beauty. Here the subtle seduction of the Mediterranean is the result of the fusion of the two elements: rich and complex history and simple and radiant nature. This is why the climate and atmosphere of Sestri Levante are so special. It is natural for a place that can boast a Bay of Fables to think of a prize for children's literature; and natural, too, to dedicate it to Hans Christian Andersen, the author who gives that name to one of the most beautiful comers of Sestri Levante. Today the Andersen prize in an internationally important event, and the intiatives that have grown up around it have turned Sestri Levante into "the city of children".
Portofino is an international star in the holiday-making world. Evocative of the most exclusive jet set rituals, yet also the most intact authentic environment in the Mediterranean area. A veritably intoxicating mix of sensations.
Santo Stefano d'Aveto: from blue of the sea to a sea of green: woods, meadows, a medieval castle and clean air which already smells of the mountains. This is Santo Stefano D'Aveto: the mountains within reach of the sea. Yet another Ligurian miracle.
Lavagna: the beach at Cavi and the Abbey of the Fieschi. Its characteristic state quarries and the surprising freshness of the Fontanabuona Valley. With the sea and its green hinterland this piece of Liguria at its most authentic offers great fascination.
Moneglia harsh rocks and the caress of the sea. A well-protected bay. And, surrounding the heart of the town, the triumph of blue and green. Contrasting colours, contrasting emotions. And distance at from the fabulous Cinque Terre.
(Contents and Images taken from Chiavari; Lavagna; Moneglia; Portofino; Rapallo; S. Margherita Ligure; S. Stefano D'Aveto; Sestri Levante; Zoagli by APT Tigullio) |
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