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Capri Guide Italy
Walks on Capri
Walks on Capri
In order to discover the islands countless architectural and natural attractions, our Capri Guide suggests three short itineraries on the trail of enchanting spots and fascinating monuments. All the trips start from Piazzetta Umberto I, in the heart of the town of Capri, and can be traveled by bicycle, moped, car or on foot, although the latter solution can be very tiring in certain cases.
In order to visit Villa Jovis, the splendid residence of the Emperor Tiberius, start from Piazzetta Umberto I and turn into Via delle Botteghe, continuing straight on through Via Fuorlovado, Via Croce and, finally, Via Tiberio. After visiting the villa, you could dedicate some time to other attractions in the vicinity, such as the Church of Santa Maria del Soccorso, the Cave of Tiberius and the Lighthouse Tower.
The walk that leads towards Marina Piccola from the Piazzetta is extremely beautiful. You can get to the beach by following Via Vittorio Emanuele until coming to Via Matteotti, which joins up with the famous Via Krupp after a series of hairpin bends. This road takes its name from the German industrialist who owns some land on the island and is considered almost a work of art because of its splendid views and unusual shape. By following Via Matteotti, you will have the chance to stop off at the wonderful Charterhouse of San Giacomo, an attractive ex Carthusian monastery.
The Belvedere Tragara is another spot that is well worth a visit. Take Via Vittorio Emanuele from the Piazzetta until coming to Via Camerelle: continue straight on until coming to the Evangelical Church and take Via Tragara that comes to an end at the Belvedere. After admiring the wonderful view of the Faraglioni you could visit some of the beautiful caves located in the vicinity: the Grotta di Forca and the Grotta di Porto Tragara.
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