The long porticos that lead from Piazza della Loggia to Corso Zanardelli and Corso Palestro are the favorite places for Brescians to go strolling: this area has the most famous shoe and clothing stores and jewelry shops for every need.
Antique shops and art galleries, on the other hand, are found in the elegant area between Via Trieste, Via Tosio, Via Cattaneo and Via dei Musei.
Great bargains for lovers of antiques can be found at the mercatino dell'antiquariato, held in Piazza della Vittoria on the second weekend of the month. It is one of the most important and varied in all of Lombardy. In Franciacorta, the ancient wrought iron art continues to live in the craft workshops.
Photos courtesy of: Provincia di Brescia Assessorato Turismo, Comune di Brescia Servizio Turismo