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About Emilia Romagna

Bologna Guide Italy

"I had the great luxury of tossing a dart at a map of the world to find a place to hide Mr. Backman. Almost anywhere would work. But I have to confess that I was not blindfolded when I threw the dart." John Grisham about the setting for The Broker.

Bologna is an age-old city, full of character, which is described well by its traditional epithets: Bologna la dotta, la grassa, la rossa (Bologna the fat, learned and red city). It is one of the cultural capitals of Europe, with its prestigious university founded in 1088, which today offers 250 different majors to more than 100,000 students. Its character is expressed in the red of its buildings and the long, long porticoes which are everywhere (almost 40 km). Red is also the color of its local government which from the end of WWII until the present have contributed to making the city famous for its openness and tolerance. Lastly, Bologna is fat, a woman who loves life's pleasures, where cooking is an art and fun a way of life.

Getting there

Bologna is conveniently located in relation to many other Italian cities, and is a short distance from Florence... >>>

History and culture

The history of the city which gave Europe its first university... >>>


From San Petronio to the Sette Chiese (seven churches) all of the main treasures of Bologna's faith... >>>


Museums with an incredible heritage, almost 50 museums ranging from art to history and science to technology... >>>

Historical building and monuments

Piazza Maggiore, the two towers and the most beautiful historical buildings of the city... >>>

Secret Bologna

Unexpected places and suggestions, Travelplan's tips... >>>

Eating and Drinking

Many of the most famous Italian dishes in the world come from Bologna's culinary tradition... >>>


Wandering around the shopping streets with jewelry shops, designers boutiques and art galleries... >>>

Hotels and lodgings

The city has one of the widest offerings of accommodations in Italy... >>>


Bologna, the great cultural capital and trade show center, hosts an impressive series of all types of events... >>>

La Dolce Vita

Bologna is a hedonistic city, where night life and fun can be found for all generations... >>>

Modena and the land of Ferrari

Monteveglio, Vignola, Ferrari Gallery, Modena, Carpi... >>>

Ferrara and the Po Delta

Ferrara, Comacchio, Pomposa, Bosco della Mesola... >>>

Photos courtesy of: APT Servizi, Regione Emilia Romagna, Comune di Bologna.

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